Monday, July 18, 2011

-Seven- Hagar

Today’s Reading: Genesis 16:1-16
Focal Verse: Genesis 16:13b
Then she called the name of the LORD who spoke to her, You-Are-the-God-Who-Sees

 I live in a society where I have many rights. I am very blessed by that. There are many, however, who do not. There are countries where women, unborn children, poverty-stricken people, and people of different beliefs are persecuted. It seems as if they have no one to protect their rights. Hagar was in a similar position as some of these.

She was a foreigner. She was a maidservant of Sarai. She had very few, if any, rights. So few, that Sarai was able to give her to Abram so that he would have an heir, as Sarai herself had not, as yet, conceived.

Things worsened. When Hagar conceived, she looked down on Sarai and, in reaction, Sarai was very cruel. So cruel, in fact, that Hagar ran away.

Fear must have gripped her. She is a servant in a foreign land. Where would she go? What would she do?

In the wilderness, she met God. He has heard her cries. He has seen the wrong done to her. He graciously tells her to go back. He lets her know what the future holds for her child.

Hagar didn’t do anything to deserve God’s grace. In fact, she brought a little of the trouble on herself because of her haughtiness towards Sarai. But God saw her trouble and that she needed protection and hope, and so she named Him You-Are-the-God-Who-Sees.

Even if our world sees someone as insignificant, God does not. Even if we think at times that no one sees our plight, there is One who does. His name is You-Are-the-God-Who-Sees.


Pray for those in our world who have few rights. Prayerfully consider if there are ways you can help. If you are one of these,
pray to the God-Who-Sees.

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