Thursday, May 3, 2012

-One Hundred And Twenty Nine- Passing Grace On

Passing Grace On
Today’s Reading: 2 Corinthians 1:3-6
Focal Verse: 2 Corinthians 1:4
.who comforts us in all our tribulations, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

I can write this book with confidence because I know God’s grace firsthand.  I have personally known it in many of the ways I have written about.  I have seen it in the lives of those to which I am close.
There have been years of my life that were very troubling, but those years were also very sweet.  I grew to know my Lord in a much more intimate fashion.  I have seen His hand at work in miraculous ways, and have also seen it work in ways I didn’t understand at the time.
With the comfort He has given me, I now can comfort others.  With the patience He has had with me, I can now have more patience with others.  With the endurance He has graced me with, I can now encourage others to endure.  We were intended to pass on His grace.
Lord, please use me to pass grace on.

God has given each of us grace in some very unique ways. 
 You may be in someone’s life who needs that grace passed on to them.
Ask God to show you.

Monday, April 30, 2012

-One Hundred Twenty Eight- Grace in "Disaster"

Grace in “Disaster”
Today’s Reading: Acts 16:25-34
Focal Verse: Acts 16:34b
…he rejoiced, having believed in God…

God can take what looks like disaster and bring grace from it.  Many times with the loss of a job, a broken marriage, a natural disaster, the death of a loved one, alcoholism or addiction, an arrest, an accident, an ongoing illness, a mental breakdown (you continue the list), someone comes to know the Lord for the first time, or they come to know Him more intimately.
The Philippian jailer was ready to take his own life.  God was ready to give him eternal life.
If you are in the midst of a disaster, believe in God and His promises to His children.  He will give you grace to bring you through and you will be blessed with a greater knowledge of who He is.
If you know someone in the midst of a disaster, let them know you are there for them.  Paul reassured the jailer, saying, “Do yourself no harm, for we are here.”  As believers, we need to tell each other the same thing…and mean it!
When trials come, you can go through them with God or without Him…but you will go through them regardless.  Let the God of grace bring a blessing from your disaster.

If you are currently going through a difficult time, call on God.  Seek His word for His promises.
If you know of someone going through a difficult time, call them and tell them, “I am here”, and mean it.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

-One Hundred And Twenty Seven- Grace To Carry You Through

Grace to Carry You Through
Today’s Reading: Acts 12:5-19
Focal Verse: Acts 12:7b
…And his chains fell off his hands.

If you are on mission for God, you will encounter obstacles.  Some may be minor irritations, but others may be more serious attacks that need earnest prayer.  You may even reach a stage of such severe attack where your hands seemed chained and you may even question the mission.
I hope that you have a close Christian friend or two that pray for you and your ministry.  Prayer is vital to any ministry, and faithful righteous prayer during attack can help break chains.
God can take whatever obstacles come to your ministry, even those where you feel chained, and use them to glorify Him and spread His gospel.  Your faithful endurance, as God sees you through to the end of your mission, is an encouragement to the many followers of Christ that His grace will see them through also.
His grace to His children never ends.

Do you have believers committed to praying for your ministry?
Are you committed to praying for someone else’s ministry?

Monday, April 23, 2012

-One Hundred And Twenty-Six- Grace To The "Religious"

Grace to the “Religious”
Today’s Reading: Acts 9:1-18
Focal Verse: Acts 9:4
Then he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?”

My heart is heavy with the multitudes of people trying to work their way into heaven who will be turned away because they don’t know Jesus.  Some of them are leading moral lives.  They may teach a church class.  They may sing in a choir.  They may go up and down streets knocking at doors seeking converts to their faith.  The Lord will say, “I never knew you; depart from Me.” (Matthew 7:21-23)  The story of Saul gives me hope for these because it is a story of a religious man who met Jesus and was changed.
Saul was very religious.  He followed all the right traditions and ceremonies.  He knew Scripture.  Even when he was persecuting Christians, he did it in the name of God.  And he was completely, utterly, totally lost.  It took a dramatic experience for God to get Saul’s attention, but He used an obedient servant, Ananias, to complete the job of Saul’s conversion to Christ.
Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?  Or are you merely religious, staying busy with religious works and moral behavior that you hope will stack up in your favor?  Your works cannot justify you.  Only Jesus can (Acts 13:39).  If you don’t know Him, click on Behold, I Stand At The Door And Knock.  Find a faithful servant like Ananias to share your conversion with.

If you are a believer, don’t give up on the Sauls of this world.  Pray for them and be ready to share with them The Way.

Friday, April 20, 2012

-One Hundred Twenty Five- Grace In Unity

Grace in Unity
Today’s Reading: Acts 4:32-35
Focal Verse: Acts 4:33b
And great grace was upon them all.

Unity seems to be a foreign concept today.  People are busy looking out for themselves.  They don’t really care about what happens to the groups they belong to, the company, and sometimes their own families, as long as they come out on top.
Unfortunately in many churches it is no different.  Each pastor or ministry has their own following, and someone looking in would think they are in competition, instead of working towards the same goal.
One key to unity is for everyone to have the same goal: sharing the gospel so that others can believe and receive the grace of God.
Another key to unity is to understand God’s ownership of everything.  If we think of His material blessings as being “ours” instead of being a potential to bless others, we will be selfish instead of selfless when it comes to meeting needs.  Unity means giving when we have it to give when needed by those who don’t.
Lastly, a loving concern for each other is necessary for unity.  We must put the needs of others above our own (1 Corinthians 10:24).  If we practice this, we will truly be “one heart”.
When the body of Christ is unified, it results in grace.  Grace to those, observing the miracle of unity, who draw close to hear the gospel; and grace to the body of Christ as they experience God’s blessing in their lives.

Which area of unity is a weakness for you?  Ask God to change your heart to allow you to be a part of the unity in the body that He desires.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

-One Hundred And Twenty Four- Grace The Equips Us For Ministry

Grace that Equips Us for Ministry
Today’s Reading: Acts 2:1-4
Focal Verse: Acts 2:4
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Jesus commanded His disciples to be witnesses not only in their own country, but also to the ends of the earth.  That must have been intimidating to a group of men who were not extremely well educated.  They may have wondered how they were supposed to witness to people of a different language.  Jesus promised they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them.
He kept His promise.  The Holy Spirit fully equipped them to meet the language challenges they had ahead.
God may have called you to witness to someone that is different than you.  Maybe they are a different age, a different nationality, a different culture, or a different income.  If Jesus is your Savior, you have the Holy Spirit in you.  Just as He equipped those at Pentecost, you have received power from the Holy Spirit to equip you for your mission.
The Holy Spirit gives us the grace of His power.  Let’s use it!

What excuses have you made for not fulfilling your mission?
Do you believe the Holy Spirit has equipped you?

Monday, April 16, 2012

-One Hundred And Twenty Three- You Have Something To Give

You Have Something to Give
Today’s Reading: Acts 3:1-10
Focal Verse: Acts 3:6a
Then Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you.”

God has equipped you to meet someone’s need.  You many not think you have anything to offer, but you do.
The lame beggar asked for money.  Peter had no money.  Peter could have just shaken his head “no”, but he looked at him with compassion and gave what he did have – healing from God.
Grace demands that we show grace to each other.  Pay attention to those God puts you in contact with.  See how God has equipped you to serve them.  They may be looking for something different than what you have, but what you give may be the miracle they need.

We need to quit giving excuses for not serving others.  No matter what our limitations, there is a way we can serve.  Ask God to show you.

Friday, April 13, 2012

-One Hundred And Twenty Two- Grace From The Denied

Grace from the Denied
Today’s Readings: Luke 22:54-62 and John 21:15-17
Focal Verse: John 21:17b 
Jesus said to him, “Feed My sheep.”

I love it when my husband, introducing me, says, “This is my wife, Penny.”  It shows he wants to be identified with me.
We love to be identified with groups.  We like to be identified as being part of a church, school, club, team or workplace.
Sometimes, though, you are around someone you thought you knew well. Maybe you are in a different setting with different people and they ignore you.  That hurts.
Jesus loved Peter.  Even though he knew what would happen in advance, it must have hurt Him when Peter denied Him…not once, not twice, but three times.  I imagine that if most of us had a friend who denied us three times, we would cut our losses and move on to someone else.
But Jesus gives more grace.  He restored the relationship with Peter and reassured him that he still had a place in the kingdom.
Even when we fall hard, like Peter did, Jesus will restore the relationship.  He will reassure you that you still have a place in the kingdom.
Grace gives yet another chance.

Do you identify yourself with Christ?
If not, ask why.  Settle it with God now.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

-One Hundred And Twenty One- Grace On A Cross

Grace on a Cross
Today’s Reading: Matthew 27:26-50
Focal Verse: Matthew 27:42
“He saved others: Himself He cannot save.  If He is the King of Israel, let Him now come down from the cross, and we will believe Him.”

They were wrong.  He could have saved Himself but, because of grace, He didn’t.  He voluntarily hung there.  It amazes me.  He hung there for the ones who nailed His hands and feet.  He hung there for the ones mocking, spitting and watching.  He hung there for you and me.
Why? He knew you and I could never be good enough.  He knew you and I deserved punishment for our sins.  So He hung there.  He took all of our sins on Himself.
They didn’t get it.  Do you?

One of our greatest weapons against becoming self-righteous is to remember the cross.  Thank Jesus for hanging there for you.

Monday, April 9, 2012

-One Hundred And Twenty- Grace To Our Enemies

Grace to Our Enemies
Today’s Reading: Mark 15:16-20
Focal Verse: Luke 23:34a
Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”

We have had children in these days that have taken guns to school to retaliate against those who have bullied them.  We have adults that have taken guns to the workplace and killed people for what they have perceived is unfair treatment.  Ex-husbands kill ex-wives. Rival gangs retaliate with death.
Jesus had every right to retaliate against those who were abusing and mocking Him.  He could have called for their immediate destruction.  But He didn’t.  Instead, He prayed for them.  Even on the cross, the others being crucified reviled Him (Matthew 15:32).  Yet He saved the one who repented (Luke 23:43).
In this world, there is, and will be, mistreatment, mocking, abuse, etc.  Jesus has set the example for what our response is to be.  He said, “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you” (Matthew 5:44).
Before we accepted Christ, we too were God’s enemies (Colossians 1:21).  He gave us grace.  So should we give our enemies grace.

Meditate on Matthew 5:44 (above).  Is this your attitude towards your enemies?  If not, ask God to make your attitude more like His.

Friday, April 6, 2012

-One Hundred And Nineteen- Forsaken

Today’s Reading: Matthew 26:31-56
Focal Verse: Matthew 25:56b
Then the disciples forsook Him and fled.

They left Him.  Three years of intimacy with Him and they left.  He poured His life here on earth into them...and He knew they would leave Him.
He told them they would (v.31).  He told Peter he would deny Him - not once, not twice, but three times (v.34).  He told them He was sorrowful, even to death, and His three closest friends would not stay awake to pray for Him (v.38-40).  One of His disciples betrayed Him with a kiss (v.49), and finally, with His arrest, they all renounced Him and fled.
If these were the people He was most intimate with, and they left, then why go to the cross?  Why not go back to the Father and say, “Wipe them out and start all over again”?  One word: Grace.

Any time we choose our own way instead of His, we forsake Him.  He died for us, anyway.  Humbly thank Him for His grace.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

-One Hundred And Eighteen- Not Alone

Not Alone
Today’s Reading: John 14:15-18
Focal Verse: 14:18
“I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.”

Have you ever had someone pose this question to you: If you were alone on a desert island, what three things would you want there with you? Sometimes, as a believer, it feels like we are on a desert island.  But we are never alone.
In this passage, Jesus is promising the most wonderful gift: His very Spirit living in the hearts of believers.  Because of His Spirit, we are never alone:

-when fighting temptation
-in times of trials
-in sorrow
-in ministering
-when needing wisdom and truth
-when our faith is weak
The list goes on.

Jesus – died for us, put His Spirit in us.  Grace upon grace.

Make your own list of the times when you realized you were not alone.  Spend time in thanksgiving for this precious gift.

Monday, April 2, 2012

-One Hundred And Seventeen- Grace That Warns

Grace that Warns
Today’s Reading: John 16:1-4 and Mark 13:5-23
Focal Verse: Mark 13:23
“But take heed; see, I have told you all things beforehand.”

God doesn’t try to “trip you up”.  From the very beginning, He has been revealing His plan to the world.
The Bible is a book of the past, present and future.  It reveals how God has acted in the past, how He is working today, and what will happen in the future.  It was written so that we would believe (John 20:31).  It tells us what to expect in life.  It also tells you how to handle problems and situations you didn’t even know would occur.  But God did, and in His grace, He gave you a guidebook.  Trying to negotiate life without it just leaves you feeling lost.  Open it today.

Without the guidance of God’s word, it is incredibly easy to make mistakes and fall back into sin patterns.  Make a commitment to read it and live your life with the fullness God wanted for you.

Friday, March 30, 2012

-One Hundred And Sixteen- Labels

Today’s Reading: Luke 11:27-37
Focal Verse: Luke 11:37b  
Then Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”

If you go into the store to buy beans, you will see all different kings of labels.  Open up the cans, and what do you find inside them all? Beans!  Regardless, they have different labels because most people pick their favorite label to buy.
People have all kinds of labels and, many times, they separate us: Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, Pentacostal, Muslim, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, rich, middle class, poor, pretty, plain, ugly, fat, thin, tall, short…and it goes on.  If you take off the label and look inside, they all are the same thing – “our neighbor”.
God doesn’t look at labels and we aren’t supposed to either.  We are to show mercy to all of our neighbors.  We can’t pick and choose who to show mercy to.  Take the labels off.  Be merciful as your Father has been merciful.

Really, there is only going to be one “label” that matters in the end – whether or not someone was a believer.  Be a good neighbor to all and spread the gospel where you have opportunity.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

-One Hundred And Fifteen- Grace That Gives More Than We Ask For

Grace that Gives More than We Ask For
Today’s Reading: Luke 18:35-43
Focal Verse: Luke 18:42
Jesus said, “Go ahead—see again! 
 Your faith has saved and healed you!” (MSG)

When he started out his day, he just wanted some food.  He sat by the road, unable to see, but able to hear and beg from those who passed by.
But this day, things were different.  He could hear a crowd and, asking, found out that Jesus was passing by.  He got excited.  Everyone knew Jesus could heal and he began to cry out.
They told him to be quiet, but he knew this might be his only chance.  And then the remarkable happened.  Jesus noticed him!  Jesus had him brought forward.
Jesus asked him what he wanted Him to do.  He asked Him for his sight.  I am sure he must have been thinking that if he only had his sight, he wouldn’t need to beg anymore.  And he waited for the answer.
Jesus gave him what he asked for – his sight, and then He gave him something much more precious – salvation.  The blind man started out his day begging for food to sustain his life.  He ended it by following the One who gave him eternal life.

Read Ephesians 3:20.  Ask God to answer your prayers, not necessarily as you would ask them, but as He, in His wisdom and goodness, knows best.

Monday, March 26, 2012

-One Hundred And Fourteen- Unashamed Of Grace

Unashamed of Grace
Today’s Reading: John 9:1-25
Focal Verse: John 9:25
He answered them and said, “Whether He is a sinner or not I do not know.  One thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see.”

You don’t need to be a theological scholar to tell others what Christ has done for you.  You don’t have to be defensive about Him or pretend to know everything.  You simply have to tell the truth.
God can spread the gospel in any manner He chooses, but He chose to do it through us (Matthew 28:19-20).  Are you spreading it, or are you making excuses?
Our hearts should be overflowing with thanksgiving for God’s grace to us.  We should be thankful for every opportunity to share it with others.  He wasn’t ashamed to die for us on the cross.  We shouldn’t be ashamed of the gospel (Romans 1:16).

Spend time in thanksgiving that God was not ashamed to be called your God (Hebrews 11:16).  Read Romans 10:14-15 and ask God to show you what your part is.

Friday, March 23, 2012

-One Hundred And Thirteen- Grace For The Prodigal

Grace for the Prodigal
Today’s Reading: Luke 15:11-32
Focal Verse: Luke 15:20
“And he arose and came to his father.  But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him.”

If you went out on the streets and asked people if they believed in God, the majority would say “yes”.  Most people understand that something greater than themselves made this world.  They just don’t want to admit their need for God.  They think they can take care of and run their life on their own.
God made us wonderfully and gave us minds and bodies capable of great things.  Each of us will come upon a time, though, when we realize that isn’t enough.  The difference is what decision we make in that moment.  When we come to the end of ourselves, when we are wallowing in the muck of this world and we realize our hearts are like this muck, we are faced with a decision.  Will we still insist on running our own lives (Mark 10:17-22), or will we confess our sin and run to the Savior?
I love the part where the son begins to come home.  The father doesn’t sit there and wait!  While his son is still far off, the father goes to him…just like God does with us.
Amidst this beautiful story of grace is an ugly fact.  The older brother, who was faithful to the father, resents the attention the father gives to the prodigal son.  Sometimes believers act the same.  Instead of rejoicing with the Lord over a repentant sinner, we act like we resent that they broke into “the club” (Matthew 20:1-16).  We think things like, “They ought to be sorry after the life they have led,” or, “I’ve been faithful all of my life.  He doesn’t deserve that position. He lived an awful life before now.”  Believers sometimes forget that they needed, and still need, the Savior’s forgiveness as much as anyone.
Rejoice with your Savior over the prodigal son. Cook the feast. Help to clothe him by teaching him what God has already taught you.  Show that you are a child of God.

Are you following the example of your Father in welcoming the “prodigals” of this world, or are you more like the other son?
With God’s help, this very day begin to use what God has taught you in your life to encourage others.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

-One Hundred And Twelve- More Time, Sir?

More Time, Sir?
Today’s Reading: Luke 13:6-9
Focal Verse: Luke 13:8
But he answered and said to him, “Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and fertilize it.”

Jesus intercedes for the lost.  He even intercedes for the lost who are in the church.
No matter that they have heard the gospel many times already.  No matter that they have seen miracles and are still unbelieving.  We may have given up on them, but Jesus hasn’t.
Yes, there is a time when judgment comes on unbelievers.  Until that time, Jesus is interceding for a little more time, and God, in His grace, is giving it.

Only God knows the time when a person’s chances are up.
As believers, we should pray for the lost, for a little more time.

Monday, March 19, 2012

-One Hundred And Eleven- Grace To The Unbelieving World

Grace to the Unbelieving World
Today’s Reading: Luke 9:52-56
Focal Verse: Luke 9:56a
“For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.”

If you walk as a true disciple of Christ, you will suffer persecution (1 John 2:6).  If you say that Jesus is the only way (John 14:6) to heaven, you will be accused of being narrow-minded and intolerant.
As you hear Christians slandered and reviled in the media and in your daily life, remember that Jesus said, “A servant is not greater than his master.” (John 15:20)  As Christ came through the Samaritan village on His way to worship in Jerusalem, the Samaritans were offended that Jesus insisted that Jerusalem, where His Father had commanded, was the proper place to worship.  They had their own self-made temple with their own humanly altered religion.  They rejected Him.
As you stand for Christ, you also will be rejected by some.  Respond as Jesus did.  Not with angry, hurtful and destructive words, but with His loving grace.  Look at them as lost and dying people who need the salvation of Christ…just as you did.

It is easier to listen to media stories and get mad and debate, rather than get on your knees in prayer for these people.  Commit to pray for those that the Lord shows you need Him.

Friday, March 16, 2012

-One Hundred And Ten- Never-ending Forgiveness

Never-ending Forgiveness
Today’s Reading: Matthew 18:21-35
Focal Verse: Matthew 18:21-22
Then Peter came to Him and said, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him?  Up to seven times?”
Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.”

One of the saddest things to see is strife and divisiveness in the church.  One member hurts another member.  Neither one is willing to forgive and it becomes an ugly feud that usually draws others into it.  It is like a cancer spreading…and it is ungodly.
Jesus told us we are to forgive seventy times seven, or basically unlimited, times.  Before you roll your eyes at how difficult that is, let’s look at Christ.  He wronged no one.  He has never wronged you, yet how many times have you had to ask forgiveness?  Seventy times seven?  He has forgiven you every time.
So when you are finding it hard to forgive someone, go to Jesus for help.  Ask Him to remind you of all the times He has given you grace.  Ask Him to help you extend that grace to the one you need to forgive, and experience the peace of a forgiving, forgiven heart.

Forgiveness is a command, not a suggestion.  Spend some time praying.  Thank Jesus for the times He has forgiven you.  If there is someone you haven’t forgiven, ask His forgiveness and His help.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

-One Hundred And Nine- Giver Of Faith

Giver of Faith
Today’s Reading: Mark 9:14-27
Focal Verse: Mark 9:24
Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!”

Faith is a powerful thing.  Salvation comes by faith.  Jesus spoke of faith being a factor in some of His healings.  It is a desirable trait in the lives of believers.  So how do we get more?
First, we have to understand that the faith necessary for our own salvation didn’t come from ourselves.  It was a gift from God (Ephesians 2:8).
The Bible teaches us to ask for God to increase our faith.  In Luke 17:5 “the apostles said to the Lord, ‘Increase our faith.’”  Circumstances many times come into our lives that show the limitations of the faith we have.  That’s what happened in this story.  The father wanted to have the kind of faith necessary for his child to be healed, but he knew it was lacking.  He threw himself on the mercy of Jesus and cried out, “I believe, help my unbelief.”  Jesus heard his cry and had mercy.

Do you need more faith? 
Jesus will hear your earnest cry for increased faith.

Monday, March 12, 2012

-One Hundred And Eight- Grace That Allows My Faith To Sink

Grace that Allows My Faith to Sink
Today’s Reading: Matthew 14:22-33
Focal Verse: Matthew 14:30
But when he saw that the wind was boisterous he was afraid: and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!”

Sometimes I feel really dense.  God will do something miraculous in my life or the life of someone I love.  I will be so full of faith and confidence in the Lord. Then a new “storm” hits.  It’s as if I have forgotten who God is and how mighty His power is.  I try to walk confidently, but as I stumble, I cry out to Jesus.
God graciously shows me the areas where my faith is weak.  He could just go on letting me think my faith is full-grown, but He wants me to know Him.  He wants me to understand His love and truly trust Him.
So sometimes, He allows my faith to sink…and then He pulls me up.

Sometimes our guilt and sense of foolishness when we stumble makes us turn away from God.  Cry out to Him.  He will pull you up.

Friday, March 9, 2012

-One Hundred And Seven- Grace Finishes The Job!

Grace Finishes the Job!
Today’s Reading: Matthew 14:10-21
Focal Verse: Matthew 14:16a
But Jesus said to them, “They do not need to go away.”

Lord, I know You must have wanted to spend some time by Yourself.  You loved John and it must have saddened You to see Your servant suffer.
You could have taken some time off.  Nobody would have blamed You.  But You looked out at all those people…compassionately You set out to complete the work Your Father had given You to do.
You had the prime opportunity to send them away and give Yourself a break.  They needed food and it was reasonable to expect them to go get some.
But…all those people.  You couldn’t send them away.  They needed You.  They were the reason You were there.  So You provided.
Lord, thank You for finishing the job.  Thank You for giving up Your rights so that You could shower Your love on undeserving people.
You are Grace, and You finished the job.

God has given us each a job to do.  Sometimes that involves giving up our “rights”.  Are you finishing the job God has given you to do?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

-One Hundred And Six- Grace That Prays

Grace that Prays
Today’s Reading: Matthew 9:35-38
Focal Verse: Matthew 9:38
“Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”

It is not God’s desire that anyone should perish (2 Peter 3:9).  He has told us to “Go into the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15b).
As Jesus looked out over the multitudes that came to Him for healing and hope, He had compassion.  He gave us the command to pray that God would send more workers to spread the gospel.
Someone told you about Jesus.  Because they did, you received His grace.  Spread His grace by telling others.  Spread His grace by faithfully praying for more workers.

Ask Jesus to open your eyes to the multitudes that need Him.

Monday, March 5, 2012

-One Hundred And Five- Grace Where There Was None

Grace Where There Was None
Today’s Reading: John 5:1-8
Focal Verse: John 5:7
The sick man answered Him, “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; but while I am coming, another steps down before me.”

It horrifies me when I read this.  I think about this poor man who didn’t have anyone to help him get in the pool.  I think, “Couldn’t someone have helped him?”
In our world of busyness and self-centeredness, there are people, just like this man, who have no one to help them.  There are sick people, elderly people, shut-ins, disabled people, homeless people, mentally ill people, etc., who have no one to help them.  No one to take a moment to fix a meal, clean a house, shop for groceries, take them to the doctor, just sit and listen…tell them about Jesus.
Jesus looked upon a man who had received no grace from this world and reached out to him in grace.  As His disciples, shouldn’t we do the same?

1 John 2:6 says, “He who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk just as He walked.”  Seek an opportunity to give grace to someone who needs it.

Friday, March 2, 2012

-One Hundred And Four- Grace That Is Personal

Grace that is Personal
Today’s Reading: Mark 5:25-34
Focal Verse: Mark 5:30b 
“Who touched My clothes?”

There are some people who just naturally stand out in a crowd.  They may be beautiful, or extra-tall or even very strange, but you just can’t help but notice them.  And then, there are the rest of us: average looks, average size – just average.
Growing up, I felt “lost in the crowd” in my family.  My parents and two older sisters were very intelligent and seemed, to me, to succeed at everything they did.  I developed a love for singing because it was something that would distinguish me from my sisters.
Many today in the church are trying to distinguish themselves before Christ.  They feel like other believers have it all together, know more, and the list goes on.  The fact is, each of us stands out in the crowd with Jesus.  The woman in need of healing amidst the multitudes pressing against Jesus was just an ordinary person.  But something extraordinary happened when she reached for Jesus and touched His robe.  He reached out.  She wasn’t ordinary to Jesus.  She was an object of His love and grace

No matter how you feel at work, church, school or home, you are special to Jesus.  Let Him know how special He is to you.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

One Hundred And Three - Grace For The Captive

Grace for the Captive
Today’s Reading: Mark 5:1-20
Focal Verse: Mark 5:15
Then they came to Jesus, and saw the one who had been demon-possessed and had the legion, sitting and clothed and in his right mind.

Being possessed by a demon would be like being in a prison.  The Bible doesn’t tell us how or why he became possessed, but one thing it does tell us it that his life had become a nightmare.
He was living among the tombs.  He had incredible physical strength, but no control over his body.  He would scream and cut himself.
He ran up to Jesus and Jesus had mercy on him.  He didn’t ask questions or give a lecture.  He saw a tormented man crying out to Him and He set him free.
Chances are, most of you reading this are not demon-possessed.  Some of you, however, are captive to someone or something.  It could be alcohol, drugs, sex, pornography, secret thought life, bitterness, rage…the list goes on.  Just as the demon-possessed man couldn’t free himself, neither can you.  Cry out to the Savior for His grace and be free.

Thank your Savior for setting you free.

Monday, February 27, 2012

-One Hundred And Two- Come And Worship

Come and Worship
Today’s Reading: Luke 7:36-50
Focal Verse: Luke 7:50
Then He said to the woman,
“Your faith has saved you.  Go in peace.”

God doesn’t expect for the people who worship Him to be perfect, but He does expect our worship to come from our total being (Matthew 22:37-38).  This prostitute did exactly that:

#1 – She sought out Jesus (v.37).  Worship requires that He must be
             our focus.

#2 – She brought Jesus her best (v.37).  If all we are giving Jesus 
       of our time and resources is our “leftovers”, He is not who we
       we are worshipping.

#3 – She came to Him in humility and repentance.  Even though 
         God is a God of grace, a worshipper must not lose sight that 
       HE IS GOD!  A worshipper in His presence will be humbled.

#4 – She showed Him her love with her actions.   A worshipper’s 
       love for Christ will naturally result in service for Christ.

Two people were at that dinner with Jesus.  One, a religious leader, showed no honor, no reverence, no love for Jesus.  The other, a prostitute, came to worship and, through the grace of God, was saved.

Which type of worshipper most closely resembles you – the Pharisee or the prostitute?  

Friday, February 24, 2012

One Hundred And One- Grace In Our Doubts

Grace in Our Doubts
Today’s Reading: Luke 7:18-22
Focal Verse: Luke 7:22
“…Go and tell…the things you have seen and heard.”

I really have an admiration for John the Baptist.  Anyone who lives in the desert, with clothes made out of camel’s hair, eating locust and wild honey, crying out for people to “Repent for the kingdom is at hand” (Matthew 3:1-4) is a pretty courageous fellow.  He obviously believed deeply in what he was called to do.
Even he had doubts, though.  He did what God said and ended up in a prison in danger of his life.  Although John had met Jesus and recognized Him as the Christ (Matthew 3:13-17), in his weakness, doubt crept in.
John knew where to go with his doubts.  He sent his disciples right to the Savior, asking, “Are you the One?”  Jesus didn’t chastise him for his weakness and doubt.  He put on such a show of miracles that John’s disciples couldn’t have any doubt of who He was, and said to them, “Go and tell.”

You can also see John 11:11-45 for a miracle that was for the purpose of strengthening faith. 
Follow the pattern of John the Baptist.  If there are areas where you doubt, take them to your Savior.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

-One Hundred- The Grace Of The Sabbath

The Grace of the Sabbath
Today’s Reading: Mark 2:23-28
Focal Verse: Mark 2:27
Then He said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.”

Satan and the world system try to distort every good gift God has given us.  One of these is the Sabbath.
God made us and knew our bodies, minds and spirits functioned best with rest.  So He built it in!  He commanded that six days we would work, but the seventh day was set apart for rest (Exodus 23:12).  In His grace, He put into place something He knew was needed for us to get fullness of life.
The religious leaders of Jesus’ day had so distorted the original intent of the Sabbath that it had become a day of stress instead of a day of rest.  Today, most of us live in such a hurried way that we try to defy our body’s need for rest.  Both are distortions of what God’s intent was.
The Sabbath – a day set aside from your normal labors for rest.  A gracious gift from your loving Creator.

Study what God’s word had to say about the Sabbath.
Rediscover His loving gift to you.

Monday, February 20, 2012

-Ninety Nine- Outcast, But Not Cast Out

Outcast, But Not Cast Out
Today’s Reading: Mark 2:13-17
Focal Verse: John 6:37
“All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.”

He was a troubled young man.  He had smoked pot and gone drinking with his friends.  He had developed an eating disorder.  For the last year and a half, he had been on a mental and physical downward spiral, and although he was raised in church, he didn’t want anything to do with God.  His words and attitudes were full of hatred towards others.
But the youth pastor of the church he should have been attending didn’t give up on him.  He didn’t see the “outcast”.  He saw someone who needed Jesus.
He found something they had in common – Star Wars.  They went to the most recent Star Wars movie.  He then invited the blue-haired young man on the church’s graduating senior’s annual trip to Florida.  While there, that young man accepted Jesus as his Savior.  That young man was my son.
The hate in him disappeared overnight, but his blue hair stayed around a little while longer.  Pastors and youth leaders and other Christian youths took time to get to know him and disciple him.  They were patterning what we see Jesus doing in this passage.
I am thankful for believers who, like Jesus, don’t look at what a person looks like or their sin, but look inside to someone who needs a Savior.
We were once outcasts.  He didn’t turn us away.  We, who are His, must not turn others away either.  We must bring them to Him.

Acts 10:28b says, “But God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean.”  Spend time meditating on this verse.

Friday, February 17, 2012

-Ninety Eight- Interruptible Grace

Interruptible Grace
Today’s Reading: Mark 2:1-5
Focal Verse: Mark 2:5
When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic,
 “Son, your sins are forgiven you.” 

God is not too busy for you.  When you come to Him, He never says, “Go away.  I’m too busy.”  No matter where God is or what He is doing, if you seek Him, He will come to you (James 4:8).
The paralytic had a BIG problem, but God cares about all types of problems.  Your problems are not too little for Him to care about.  Even though He has many people calling on Him throughout the world, He knows just where you are (Jeremiah 23:34).
The Almighty God, the Creator…interruptible by you.

God cares about all aspects of your life, no matter how small they may seem.  Talk to the interruptible God about them today.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

-Ninety Seven- It Took A Sacrifice

It Took a Sacrifice
Today’s Reading and Focal Verses: John 3:16-17
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

Grace isn’t free.
Yes, it’s offered freely to you, but it was at a cost to God.  It required a sacrifice on His part.
Webster’s defines “sacrifice” as “the surrender of something of value for the same of something else”.  God surrendered His Son for your sake that you might be saved.  His Son surrendered His rights.  It was His right to condemn us for our unrighteousness, but He surrendered that right.
We shouldn’t take the grace He has given us lightly.  1 Corinthians 6:20a tells us we are bought at a price.  The price was God’s Son.
God, thank You for paying the price of grace.

Are you willing to surrender something of value for the sake of something or someone else?

Monday, February 13, 2012

-Ninety Six- You Have A New Family!

You Have a New Family!
Today’s Reading and Focal Verses: John 1:12-13
But as many has received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

I was blessed.  I had a wonderful family growing up.  My parents were Christians and they loved us with the love of Christ.
I know not all families were, or are, that way.  You may have had a family where you didn’t feel that type of love from one or both of your parents.  You may have lived in foster homes and you may or may not have received the love you needed.  There are many different variations of what your family may have been like.
No matter how bad, or how wonderful, your family was, there is a better one in store for those who receive Christ.  You don’t come into this family through childbirth.  You don’t come into this family because another human told you that is where you had to go.  You come into this family by the grace of God through Christ Jesus His Son.
A child of God becomes a joint-heir with Christ (Romans 8:16-17).  Your Father will never abandon you (Hebrews 13:5).  You can count on His help in difficult times (Hebrew 4:16).  He will teach you all the things you need to know (James 1:5).
There are no members in God’s family that are not loved like the others (Acts 10:34).  The right to become His child is open to as many as will receive Him.
Family – the way God intended – a family of grace.

Thank God for taking you into His family.
Spend time thinking about what a privilege that is.

Friday, February 10, 2012

-Ninety Five- There Is Born To You A Savior

There is Born to You a Savior
Today’s Reading: Luke 2:8-11
Focal Verse: Luke 2:11
“For there is born to you this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

When a king, or another dignitary, comes to our country and a dinner is held in his honor, who is invited?  Other important dignitaries, the news media, Hollywood celebrities?  In most instances the common man would not have the opportunity to meet him.
I think it is significant that the first people told about Jesus’ birth were shepherds.  Shepherds didn’t have any political power or worldly importance.  They weren’t in the business of getting out information.  They didn’t have any special appeal to the public.  They were just simple men who spent their time with sheep, and yet God sent angels to them with the good news of His Son’s birth and to tell them how they could find Him.
We are all important in God’s eyes.  He didn’t send His Son just for the rich and the powerful, but also for the poor and weak.  He sent His grace to you.
“…For there is born to you…a Savior.”

If you don’t know Him as your Savior, you can take care of it now.
If you have already been saved, thank God that He saw you as important.
Do you see others that way?  Are you telling them, “For unto you…”?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

-Ninety Four- Joseph

Today’s Reading: Matthew 1:18-25
Focal Verse: Matthew 1:20
“…Joseph…do not be afraid.”

They didn’t have DNA tests in Joseph’s day.   Joseph’s heart must have been broken and his pride wounded when he found out about Mary’s pregnancy.  He obviously cared very deeply for Mary, because he was trying to put her away quietly so as to cause her as little harm as possible.
God gave Joseph the results of a supernatural DNA test.  God sent an angel.  He could have commanded Joseph to take Mary as his wife and left it at that.  Joseph was an upright man (v.19) and probably would have just obeyed.  God graciously let Joseph in on the wonderful news of who this child was, and affirmed that Mary had not been unfaithful.  Joseph could obey with joy, and in the light of God’s love, fear melted away.

God doesn’t always give us all the details, but He has given us His Son and His word to reassure us of His love.  If obedience has been a problem for you, meditate on His word. Trust in the God who gave His Son for you.

Monday, February 6, 2012

-Ninety Three- Without Fear

Without Fear
Today’s Reading: Luke 1:67-79
Focal Verse: Luke 1:74
To grant us that we,
Being delivered from the hand of our enemies,
Might serve Him without fear…

Some people are afraid of God.  Pagan people in Biblical times were so afraid of their false gods that they would sacrifice even their own children in an attempt to “appease” them.  Even today, some people envision God waiting to strike them with a lightening bolt.
The one true God sets us free so that we can worship and serve Him with no fear.  Just as God delivered Israel from their enemies so that they might serve without fear, He sent His Son to set us free from sin that we might also serve without fear.  We don’t have to fear this world (John 16:33).  We don’t have to fear death (1 Corinthians 15:54).  Because of His tender mercies, He sent His Son into the world so you could serve, not in darkness or fear, but in light and peace.

If you are living or serving in fear, meditate on these verses.
Pass on the good news of His deliverance of us from fear.

Friday, February 3, 2012

-Ninety Two- Mary

Today’s Reading: Luke 1:26-50 and John 19:25-27
Focal Verse: Luke 1:48
For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant;
For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed.

There are many beautiful pictures of Mary.  In a great number of them, she has an angelic look of perfection.  But Mary was not perfect.  She was an imperfect human just like you and me.
Mary didn’t even fully recognize the significance of her son’s birth (Luke 2:48-50; John 2:3-4).  Mary was like the other people we have been studying; imperfect, but favored by God.  The mother of the Son of God needed a Savior just like you and me.
As the Father showed grace to Mary, so did His Son.  When Jesus was dying on the cross, He didn’t forget her.  He made sure she would have someone to care for her like a son – John.
Mary – a simple maiden becomes blessed to all generations.  All because of the grace of God.

God uses ordinary people – people like you and me.
One thing you can see from Mary’s comments in the focal verse is that she was humble.  She knew that it was only because of God that she would be remembered for generations.  God wants to use you, too.  Go humbly before Him and express your willingness to do what He calls you to – 
whether great or small.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

-Ninety One- Change

Today’s Reading and Focal Verse: Malachi 3:6a
“For I am the LORD, I do not change.”

Change is inevitable in this life.  Some changes are good.  Some are not.  Some of us adjust easily, others don’t.  Regardless, change will happen.
One thing that will never change is God.  His grace for His people is here to stay.  Romans 11:29 says, “For the gifts and the calling of God is irrevocable.”  James 1:17 says, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is not variation or shadow of turning.”
Many people break their promises, but when God says He doesn’t change, we can trust Him.  Numbers 23:19 reminds us that: “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man that He should repent.  Has He said, and will not do? Or has He spoken and will not make it good?”
Irrevocable, no variations, no lies – God’s grace.

Ask God to help you learn to trust in His unchanging nature.

Monday, January 30, 2012

-Ninety- Whoever

Today’s Reading and Focal Verse: Joel 2:32
“And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.”

Anyone who knows me at all knows I am not an athlete.  When I was in elementary school physical education, I was always one of the last 3 people picked.  Maybe it had to do with the fact that in softball, instead of catching a ball coming towards me, I would cover my glasses and face instead.  Anyway, I knew the pain of not being wanted.
Many of you do.  Maybe it was a parent, a spouse, a boyfriend or girlfriend, a co-worker, or schoolmate, who made you feel that way, but few of us were untouched by that pain.
There are no “last picks” in God’s kingdom.  There are no “not wanted” or “no need to apply” signs (Luke 91:9-10).  That magical word – whoever, whoever, calls on His name will be saved.

Do you treat all people like “whoever”?

Friday, January 27, 2012

-Eighty Nine- Hunger

Today’s Reading: Matthew 25:35-45
Focal Verse: Psalm 136:25
Who gives food to all flesh,
For His mercy endures forever.

God, in His mercy, gives enough food for all.  So why are there people that are hungry?
We all know there are some that willfully refuse to work for their food, but there are many willing to work that still do not have food.  There are starving people all over the face of this earth.  There are Christian brothers and sisters in need.
You may think you have earned the food that you sit down to eat today, but what do you do before you eat?  Do you say a prayer of thanks to God? A blessing? Grace?
There is a reason we do that.  God, in His grace, has given you your abilities, your job, the country you live in and the food on your plate.  When we see a need, how can we not reach out in grace ourselves?  For the believer, it’s not an option.  It should be our wholehearted response to the grace God has given us.
Jesus said, “I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in.” (v.35).  The righteous answered, “When did we see You…hungry…thirsty?” (v.37).
And He said to them, “as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.”(v.40).

Pray that when you see need, you will respond with the grace
  Christ has given you.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

-Eighty Eight- He Doesn't Sleep On The Job

He Doesn’t Sleep on the Job
Today’s Reading: Psalm 121
Focal Verse: Psalm 121:3b
He who keeps you will not slumber.

I think one of the most frightening times in the life of a young child is when they realize that: a. There are bad things that happen in the world, and b. It is nighttime and they are alone because their parents are asleep.  We all go through this as a child.
Some of us are still going through it as adults.  Verse 2 says,  “My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth,” but we are still looking for safety and security from created beings or things.
Yes, there are bad things that happen in the world, but no, you aren’t alone.  God never takes a nap on the job.  He never takes a holiday (Luke 13:10-16).  His grace is always watching over you.

Who or what are you looking to for security?

Monday, January 23, 2012

-Eighty Seven- His Word

His Word
Today’s Reading: Psalm 119:1-72
Focal Verse: Psalm 119:72
The law of Your mouth is better to me,
Than thousands of coins of gold and silver.

Imagine you are watching a man build a house.  He is trying every way He can to get nails into a stud.  Someone comes and hands him a shiny new hammer.  He thanks them for it, admires it, sticks it in his toolbox, and continues to try to find to get the nail in the stud.
That’s how many believers today are about the Bible.  They admire it, might even open it, and then stick it on a shelf until Sunday.  They can’t understand why they don’t seem to have much joy and peace in life, and why they have so much trouble overcoming sin.
The Psalmist understood how vital God’s word was to his life.  He knew God’s word would meet every need He has.  He said the law (God’s word) was better to him than riches.
The Bible is a gift of great grace to us from God.  We don’t have to guess what He wants from us.  It is there.  If we need help for any temptation, it is there.  If we need to be reminded of His love, it is there.
Pick up His gift of grace to you.  Find out for yourself why it is better than the riches of this world.

Meditate (focus on) today’s Bible reading.  Ask God what He wants you to learn from Him.  Rejoice that He is speaking to you (Matthew 16:13) through His word.  Write down what He has taught you.

Friday, January 20, 2012

-Eighty Six- Are Your Eyes Open?

Are Your Eyes Open?
Today’s Reading: Psalm 107
Focal Verses:  
Psalm 107:8
Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness,
And for His wonderful works to the children of men.

Psalm 107:43
Whoever is wise will observe these things,
And they will understand the lovingkindness of the LORD.

Psalm 107 is a litany of the many ways in which God has delivered us.  Again and again it reminds us to thank Him for His goodness. Psalm 107 also teaches that if we are wise, we will observe these things and will gain an understanding of God’s love for us.
Stop moping.  Open your eyes to the grace He has given you.  Instead of complaining, give thanks to the Lord.  Instead of worrying, trust in His continuing mercies.  “Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness!”

Make a list of the many times God has delivered you.
Keep this list and add to it throughout your life.
Ask God to open your eyes to His goodness,
And make a habit of thanking Him for His goodness to you.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

-Eighty Five- Esther, Providence To God's People

Esther: Providence to God’s People
Today’s Reading: Esther
Focal Verse: Esther 4:14b
“Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this.”

God can provide for His people.  He is not limited by time or space.  He created all and He can use all to complete His purposes.
Esther was one of those He used.  God uniquely placed Esther in a position of power to prevent the annihilation of His people.  Worldly circumstances looked bleak, but God is not limited by worldly circumstances.
Esther was one of God’s people, but what about those who don’t belong to Him?  God can use them also.  In Ezra 6:22a it says, “…for the LORD made them joyful, and turned the heart of the King of Assyria toward them…”.  Also Ezra 7:27a says, “…Blessed be the LORD God of our fathers, who has put such a thing as this in the king’s heart…”.  God can turn the hearts of kings and governments.
Your circumstances may look bleak to you, but you can have joy and peace in the midst of them.  After all, you have God – a God not limited by this world, and a God who longs to give you grace in your hour of need.

If you live in a country where you are free to worship God,
 say a prayer of thanksgiving.  
God may want to use you to provide for someone else’s hour of need.
Are you available?

Monday, January 16, 2012

-Eighty Four- Mercy And Sin

Mercy and Sin
Today’s Reading and Focal Verses: 
Psalm 118:18
The LORD has chastened me severely,
But He has not given me over to death.

Psalm 99:8
You answered them, O LORD our God;
You were to them God-Who-Forgives,
Though You took vengeance on their deeds.

God in His grace forgives sin.  That is an awesome truth, but sin and its consequences still bring pain.  God can take the edge off of that pain and, at times, spares us from some of it.  We are familiar with that type of mercy.
God has another type of mercy, and sadly, we may not be as familiar with it.  That is His grace to keep us from falling into sin.
With Christ in us, we not longer have to fight temptation on our own.  In fact, in our own strength, we are pretty ineffective.  God is waiting for us to call to Him when we are weak. Psalm 94:18 says:  “If I say, ‘My foot slips’, Your mercy, O Lord, will hold me up.”
 Mercy to keep you from sinning, and mercy if you have already sinned. “Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good!  For His mercy endures forever.” (Psalm 118:1)

If you have been trying to fight temptation on your own, you are missing a treasure God gave you when you were saved.  Cry out to Him.  His strength will make you able to withstand the temptation.

Friday, January 13, 2012

-Eighty Three- Back To Jerusalem

Back to Jerusalem
Today’s Reading: Ezra 1:1-11
Focal Verse: Psalm 126:5-6
Those who sow in tears
Shall reap in joy.
He who continually goes forth weeping,
Bearing seed for sowing,
Shall doubtless come again with rejoicing,
Bringing his sheaves with him.

Some of us are living our lives as if we were in prison.  We have sinned against God and our sins and their consequences have held us captive.  Some of you may be comfortable there, but for those who hearts God is stirring, freedom is ahead.  God wants to set you free!
When the time came for God’s people to return to Israel, God paved their way.  He changed the heart of a king to release them to go back and take back to the temple what had been stolen.  He changed the hearts of others to give freewill offerings to provide them with what they needed.
God wants you to be set free and come with Him.  You can depend on His grace to provide you with all you need for the journey.

If you are ready to get out of that prison, come back to God today.
Trust Him to pave your way.
If you know someone in “prison”, ask God how you can be used to restore that person to Him.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

-Eighty Two- Martyrdom

Today’s Reading: Daniel 6:1-28; Acts 7:54-60
Focal Verses:  
Daniel 6:22
“My God sent His angel and shut the lions’ mouth, so that they have not hurt me, because I was found innocent before Him; and also, O King, I have done no wrong before you.”

Acts 7:60
Then he knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not charge them with this sin.”  And when he had said this, he fell asleep.

A believer living a godly life will suffer persecution (2 Timothy 3:12).  Some believers just face ridicule or rejection.  There are other believers who face death.  God gives grace to all of them.
If you have never done so, I encourage you to read Foxe’s Book of Martyrs.  It is an encouragement to read of the commitment of believers through the ages and how God gave them grace – grace to be rescued from death (like Daniel) or grace to endure torture and death (like Stephen).  I was amazed at how many who died, like Stephen, seemed to be lifted up out of their circumstances, and they looked forward to meeting Jesus.
Daniel and Stephen both had a confidence in and commitment to God.  They believed that the God who called them would give them the grace to obey, and in both cases, whether through miraculous rescue or a martyr’s death, people came to know God.

Are you willing to commit to be used by God, whether in life or in death?
Pray for the many believers in this world who face that choice every day.

Monday, January 9, 2012

-Eighty One- God Leaves A Stump And Roots

God Leaves a Stump and Roots
Today’s Reading: Daniel 4:1-37
Focal Verse: Daniel 4:15a
“Nevertheless leave the stump and roots in the earth.”

Some of us are harder-headed than others.  Some need a gentle nudge, others a full-force shove.  Nebuchadnezzar had to be pushed.
God showed Himself in mighty ways to Nebuchadnezzar.  Nebuchadnezzar still refused to turn from his sins and show mercy to the poor (v.26).
God had every right to destroy Nebuchadnezzar, but instead He gave him a “shove”.  God knew Nebuchadnezzar needed to be humbled, but even in the humbling, God had grace.  He left the “stump”.  He left the “roots”.  He left what it would take to restore him.

Think back to times when God had to give you a “nudge” or a “shove”.  Thank Him for not giving up on you.
Perhaps you need that shove right now or you have already been shoved.  Humble yourself before God now, knowing He will restore you.

Friday, January 6, 2012

-Eighty- Dry Bones

Dry Bones
Today’s Reading: Ezekiel 37:1-14
Focal Verse: Ezekiel 37:6
“I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live.  Then you shall know that I am the LORD.”

Maybe you expected life to be different than this.  You didn’t expect this empty, dry feeling.  You are still going through the motions, but they have little meaning for you.  You feel like you could say with Israel, “Our bones are dry, our hope is lost and we ourselves are cut off!” (v. 11).
Life was not meant to be a burden on your back.  The religious leaders in Jesus’ day had enforced more and more rituals and rules on the people until they felt weighed down under the very things that were meant to enrich their lives.  If you are trying to live up to the traditions of men and this world, it is going to leave you feeling the same way.
What is the answer?  “Come to Me”, Jesus says, “all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)
Look to Jesus.  Look to your Savior.  It is in your relationship with Him that you find the Living Water (John 4:10-14).  It is in Him you find purpose and it is He that will graciously bring the skeleton of your life back into a living being again.

If you have found yourself depending on the traditions of men and this world instead of your relationship with Christ, stop now and confess it to Him.  He will bring joy and purpose back into your life.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

-Seventy Nine- Future Restoration Of Israel

Future Restoration of Israel
Today’s Reading: Jeremiah 30:11 and Jeremiah 31:20,28,33-34
Focal Verse: Jeremiah 31:20b
“Therefore My heart yearns for him;
I will surely have mercy on him,”
Says the Lord.

In a divorce, sometimes the parties separate by agreement.  Many times, however, one party “wants out” while the other is desperately trying to hold the marriage together.
God knows the pain of  loving one who “wants out”.  Israel had been unfaithful so many times (Psalm 106:43-45).  God called her back time and time again, but there came a time He let her go her own way.
It wasn’t a wise decision for Israel.  They left their Protector and became prey to the surrounding nations.  Yet, God still loves Israel and promises a time of future restoration.  Despite their rejections, God still says of them.
“You shall be My people,
and I will be your God.”  Jeremiah 30:22

Grace – the unmerited favor of God.  Unmerited by Israel, unmerited by you and me.

Monday, January 2, 2012

-Seventy Eight- Grasshoppers

Today’s Reading and Focal Verse: Isaiah 40:22a
It is He who sits above the circle of the earth,
And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers.

Did you know that grasshoppers can be found almost everywhere on the earth except the North and South Poles?  They are so prolific that if I walk in my yard on a summer day, with almost every step, some type of grasshopper jumps up.
At first glance, this verse might make you feel unimportant, but look at it again.  Yes, I do see the comparison of the awesome, mighty Creator and the multitudes of common inhabitants, but that is part of the wonder of our relationship with God.  With so many seemingly insignificant creatures, why does He care about and want a relationship with me?
Psalm 71:6 says:
By You I have been upheld from birth;
You are He who took me out of my mother’s womb.
My praise shall be continually of you.

The awesome, mighty Creator who sits above the circle of the earth cares about each “grasshopper”.  Other “gods” require you to prove yourself.  The one true God takes us as we are.

Spend time praising God that you are not insignificant in His eyes.