Wednesday, August 31, 2011

-Twenty Six- White As Snow

White As Snow

Today’s Reading: Numbers 12:1-15
Focal Verse: Numbers 12:14b
“…and afterward she may be received again.”

Miriam and Aaron forgot something important – it’s not about us. It is not up to us who God chooses to shepherd His flock. 1 Corinthians 12:18 says: But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body, just as He pleased.

We are called to be God’s servants in whatever capacity He chooses. It is a dangerous thing, as Miriam would agree, to speak against God’s servants. Hebrews 13:17 tells us to, “Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.”

God became angry with Miriam for stirring up more trouble for Moses and judged her by giving her leprosy. It is sin to cause dissension among God’s people, and both Miriam’s sin and her judgment was public.

As Aaron confessed their sin to God, though, Moses cried out to God for grace for Miriam. And God gave it. Miriam had to fulfill law as recorded in Leviticus 13 and 14, but then the Bible tells us that God said, after this time, “she may be received again.”

Miriam exchanged a body “white as snow” with leprosy for the grace that only God can give. Grace to erase our sin and make our hearts “white as snow” before Him.

Thank God for the leadership in your church. Ask forgiveness for any murmuring you may have done against them, and let Jesus wash you “white as snow”

Monday, August 29, 2011

-Twenty Five- Help!!

Today’s Reading: Numbers 11:4, 10-17
Focal Verse: Numbers 11:17b
“…they shall bear the burden of the people with you, that you may not bear it yourself alone.”

How many people do you know that seem to lead stressed out lives? They are busy with their families, their work, even with church, and they look as if one more thing will make them snap.

Maybe you are that person. Maybe your life is full of all sorts of good intentions, but you know that beneath the surface there is a pressure cooker ready to blow. Maybe you are ready to say to God, just like Moses, “If you treat me like this, please kill me here and now-if I have found favor in Your sight-and do not let me see my wretchedness.”

Moses had found favor in God’s sight, but God had a much better answer for Moses than death – burden bearers. Life was never meant to be lived in a vacuum and neither was ministry to happen that way.

We first have to acknowledge our need for God. In John 15:5, Jesus reminds us of the importance of intimacy with Him, and says, “without Me, you can do nothing.”

We also need other people. When God created Adam, He said, “It is not good that man should be along; I will make him a helper comparable to him” (Genesis 2:18).

Moses asked for help from the beginning of his ministry and God gave him Aaron. Now the ministry had grown and the burdens had also grown. God responded, not in anger at Moses’ desperation, but with a gracious solution – 70 helpers to bear the burden.

God today tells us to be “burden bearers” for each other. Galatians 6:2 says, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” What “law of Christ”? Love. Love for each other just like the love God showed Moses. Grace for our fellowman when life and
ministry become “too hard”.

If you need help, ask God. If you see the need, be a burden-bearer. Thank God for His gracious provision He has given us through each other.

Friday, August 26, 2011

-Twenty Four- Gracious Provision

Gracious Provision
Today’s Reading: Leviticus 19:9-10,14,33-34
Focal Verse: Leviticus 19:10b
“I am the LORD your God.”

People can be cruel. Many children and adults make fun of people with disabilities. They turn their heads away from the poor, and they do not welcome strangers with open arms. God knew the darkness of man’s heart and, so, addressed these issues.

He said, “Don’t take all the harvest I give you. Leave some for the poor” (v.9&10). Do you leave any of your “harvest” for the poor? He also said, “Don’t make things harder for the disabled and don’t mock them” (v. 14). A “less than perfect” human in our eyes is of great value in God’s eyes. And He reminds us, “love the stranger, the immigrant, the different person as if they were born among you” (v.33&34).

God doesn’t discriminate. He gives grace to all…poor, rich…healthy & whole, less than whole…stranger or resident.

He commands us to do the same.


Pray for God to give you opportunities to show love and grace to those who are less fortunate or different. Ask Him to teach you to see others as He does

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

-Twenty Three- Scapegoat

Today’s Reading: Leviticus 16:7-10,15,20-22
Focal Verse: Leviticus 16:22a
The goat shall bear on itself all their iniquities to an uninhabited land..


There is always a penalty for sin. Someone has to pay it. It’s true today as it has always been true. The guilt of sin separates us from those persons we have sinned against, and it separates us from God. God’s desire is that we draw near to Him, and He is the One who makes it possible.

God provided a beautiful picture of what was yet to come through the scapegoat. Two goats were needed for the offering of atonement for sin. One was killed and the blood was sprinkled on the other. That one was sent away into the desert to remove the sins of the people. The people could again draw near to God.

How gracious God was to provide a means for the guilt of sin to be removed! Even before He sent His Son to be the blood sacrifice and remover of our sins, He was providing a means for His people to come to Him without guilt. We sin against Him; He provides a way to remove to the guilt. Amazing, forgiving grace.

Jesus died for ALL of your sins. When you hold yourself away from God because of your guilt over sin, you are saying what He did is not enough. Ask forgiveness, accept His remedy and draw near to Him.

Monday, August 22, 2011

-Twenty Two- The Grace Of God's Presence

The Grace of God’s Presence
Today’s Reading: Exodus 33:12-17
Focal Verse Exodus 33:15
Then he said to Him, “If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.”


I never cease to marvel that the Creator of this universe graces me with His presence. After all, what do I have to offer Him? Not charming beauty, for He knows beauty much greater than any earthly being can offer Him. Not intelligent conversation, for “His ways are higher than my ways, and His thoughts higher than my thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9). Not because of any love He can receive from me, for my love is imperfect and He is perfect love.

Absolutely, positively grace. Every time He meets me, it is grace. Every time His presence takes me through a situation, it is grace.

Thank you, God, for Your glorious Presence, by grace.

Spend time meditating on the fact that you worship a God who is not distant, but graces you with His presence. Be humbled before Him in thankfulness and worship.

Friday, August 19, 2011

-Twenty One- The Golden Calf

The Golden Calf

Today’s Reading: Exodus 32 and Exodus 34:10
Focal Verse: Exodus 34:10
And He said: “Behold, I make a covenant. Before all your people I will do marvels such as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation; and all the people among whom you are shall see the work of the LORD. For it is an awesome thing that I will do with you.”

I made a promise to my husband when I married him. As many others do, I promised “till death do us part.” I have to admit quite honestly, though, that if he committed adultery, I might have to rethink that.

Not so with God. He performed miracles and wonders to rescue the Israelites from the bondage of slavery. They became impatient and uncertain due to Moses’ delay in coming down from the mountain, and they were quick to find other gods. They had their priest mold a cold, dead, golden calf that they could worship as a pitiful substitute for their powerful, living God.

What is your “golden calf”? When God isn’t working “fast enough” for you, or you look away from Him in times of panic, what do you turn to?

Exodus 34:10 is a renewal of God’s commitment to His adulterous people. When you and I come before His throne and repent, He extends grace to us, too. It truly is “an awesome thing” that He did for them, and for us today. Grace for worshippers of “golden calves”.

We all have things we are tempted to turn to instead of God. Lay down your “golden calf” to Him and receive peace of His forgiveness.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

-Twenty- The Man God Chose As Priest

The Man God Chose as Priest
Today’s Reading: Exodus 28:1 and Exodus 32:1-4
Focal Verse: Exodus 28:1a
“Now take Aaron your brother, and his sons with him, from among the children of Israel, that he may minister to Me as priest..”

We expect those who lead us in worship to live their lives in a way that would be pleasing to God. We would never expect one of our worship leaders to unveil an idol for us to worship on a Sunday morning. So why would God choose someone to lead others in worship to Him that would bend so easily to the will of the people, and offer worship to an idol? God knew this when He chose Aaron. Even though I had been studying and meditating on God’s grace, this one was still difficult. I asked my daughter the question. She answered, “Maybe it was simply to show His grace.”

The truth is..grace is completely a mystery to me. We live in a world that places value on performance. Grace, by definition, is unmerited. I have received God’s grace in my life. I didn’t earn it. God uses me and I am unworthy. I may not stand in front of a statue in worship, but at times my heart is focused on things of this world instead of God.

So I’m not so different than Aaron. The story becomes a comfort instead of a struggle. Beautiful, mysterious grace.

Although God gives us grace, out of our love for Him we don’t want to abuse it. If there are any “idols” you are worshipping, turn away from them and back to the God of grace who will forgive your weakness.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

-Nineteen- The Mercy Seat

The Mercy Seat
Today’s Reading: Exodus 25:17-22
Focal Verse: Exodus 25:22a
“And there I will meet with you, and I will speak with you from above the mercy seat..”

In the ark was the law, and above the ark God’s glory would appear in a cloud. The only problem was, the law was being broken. In order to reconcile man to Himself, God provided the mercy seat – a covering for the ark where blood sacrifice would be made for sin so that God could speak to man.

The mercy seat, the place of grace in the tabernacle, was the foreshadowing of the incredible Grace of God to come. God has never changed and never will. He has always been the God of reconciliation.

Do you ever think about the fact that God is always the one to initiate reconciliation? How incredible that the One who is holy and pure reaches down to reconcile with imperfect beings. Spend time worshipping Him for this aspect of His character.

Friday, August 12, 2011

-Eighteen- Bread And Water

Bread and Water
Today’s Reading: Exodus 16 and Exodus 17:1-7
Focal Verse: Exodus 16:4a
The the LORD said to Moses, “Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you.”
When I was a child, I would read stories about children being punished, or about prisoners in jail, who were fed a diet of bread and water. So at first, bread and water doesn’t sound very appealing and even a little “mean”.

But this bread was different. This bread was from heaven. It was nutritious and tasty. No one had to work for this bread – just to receive each day what each one needed.

God also provided water so they would not thirst. He fulfilled the physical needs of these grumbling, complaining people.

God still offers the Bread of Life and the Living Water today. He still gives us whatever “amount” we need for that day. The Bread never runs out. The Well never runs dry. And He still offers it to a grumbling, complaining people.

Sweet sustaining Grace!!



Are we taking for granted what God has given us to lead the Christian life? Take time to thank God today His gracious provision.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

-Seventeen- The Exodus

The Exodus
Today’s Reading & Focal Verse: Exodus 15:13a
You in Your mercy have led forth the people who You have redeemed.

God chose to bring you forth from a life in bondage to sin to a life of freedom, joy and eternal life. He could hear the cries of your heart loaded down under the weight of sin. He sent His Son to deliver you.

God preserved His people in Egypt for over 400 years but, as rulers changed, the Israelites became slaves. God heard their cries. He sent His servant to rescue His people from bondage. These same people would complain over and over again. They would say that they had been better off in Egypt, forgetting their harsh taskmasters there, and not seeing with what Love they were being sustained by now. God showed them mercy and grace even though they didn’t seem to realize at times that they needed it.

Do you look back at times to a life ruled by this world of sin and think you are missing something? Have you forgotten what a harsh taskmaster Satan was? Do you even see with what love God has been sustaining you?

God shows us mercy and grace, even though at times we don’t even seem to realize we need it.

If you have been looking back, perhaps you have lost your focus. Fix your eyes on Jesus and your relationship with Him. He will guide your heart into the joy of your freedom with Him.

Monday, August 8, 2011

-Sixteen- A Very Special Baby

A Very Special Baby
Today’s Reading: Exodus 1:15-22 & 2:1-10
Focal Verse: Exodus 2:6
And when she opened it, she saw the child, and behold, the baby wept. So she had compassion on him, and said, “This is one of the Hebrew’s children.”

I remember when I held my babies in my arms. I knew I had received such a miraculous gift from God. I also knew I would do whatever I could to protect them from harm.

Moses was loved like that. His parents did the best they could to protect him by placing him in a basket on the river. I’m sure they agonized over doing such a thing, but his fate otherwise would certainly be death. They had to place him in the hands of God.

Who was this child, this baby in a basket, that God should show favor by lifting him out of the water through the hands of Pharoah’s daughter? He was the same man who “looked this way and that” and then killed an Egyptian for beating a Hebrew slave (Exodus 2:12). He is also the same man, who in Exodus 4:1-17 argued persistently with God when God called on him to serve Him. And in Numbers 20:7-12, he is the same one who tried to receive glory that was due God. He wasn’t perfect. He was like most of us.

But he was a child of God, just like we are children of God. God did whatever He needed to do to protect him, and He lifted him up out of that water.

You are a child of God. He loves you in a way you can’t even imagine, and that even your earthly parents could not match. Spend time meditating on that love relationship today.

Friday, August 5, 2011

-Fifteen- Gather In Goshen

Gather in Goshen
Today’s Reading: Genesis 46:28-34
Focal Verses: Genesis 46:33-34
“So it shall be, when Pharoah calls you and says, ‘What is your occupation?’ that you shall say, “Your servants’ occupation has been with livestock from our youth even till now, both we and also our fathers,” that you many dwell in the land of Goshen; for every shepherd is an abomination to the Egyptians.”

Have you ever been in a situation that seemed really difficult at the time only to find out later that is kept you from a greater difficulty? That’s what happened to the tribe of Israel. Driven from their land by famine, God goes ahead of them to place Joseph in a position of power so that they could settle peacefully in Egypt. Joseph tells them to say they are shepherds so they can settle in Goshen, a fertile area, out of the “hubbub” and idolatry of Egypt to protect them from losing their own heritage. They would dwell in Goshen for 400 years and grow into a large number of people whose children would eventually be taken into the land God had promised.

God was preserving the family of Israel. Why? The brothers sold one son into slavery and really wanted him dead. Another son slept with one of his father’s concubines (Genesis 35:22). Still, other sons of Israel staged a vicious, vengeful massacre (Genesis 34:20-29). This is the family God chose to save and to bless.

If you are a child of God, He is preserving you, too. You may be in difficult circumstances, but the God who created you knows what is ahead. You can trust in Him. Not because you have merited it, but because of His grace.

Recall the times in your life when God has preserved you. Thank Him for His grace. If you have a fellow brother or sister going through a confusing time, pick up the phone to encourage them today.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

-Fourteen- In The Prison

In the Prison
Today’s Reading: Genesis 40 and Genesis 41:1-14
Focal Verse: Genesis 40:23
Yet the chief butler did not remember Joseph, but forgot him.

“God, have You forgotten me?” You may have said or thought this. You may be saying it or thinking it now. You have faithfully followed your Savior. You have been trusting in His salvation in difficult circumstances. And yet, there seems to be silence. Where is He?

As Joseph had the opportunity to interpret the dreams of the chief butler, he must have thought his salvation from false imprisonment was at hand. Surely God’s hand was in this, as God’s hand had delivered him so many other times.

And it was, but not in Joseph’s timing. The Bible doesn’t tell us Joseph’s thoughts during this time, but I believe he kept his trust in God. I’m sure he was disappointed at being forgotten by the chief butler, but he remembered the name of the Lord His God (Psalm 20:7).

But in God’s timing, and in His grace, He causes the butler to remember Joseph. God had not forgotten him. Joseph is released from prison to begin one of the most exciting experiences of his life.

Trusting in God when you see Him moving is important. In the times, though, when you don’t see Him moving, trust moves you to a new level in your intimacy with God. Hang on for His timing, and get ready for one of the most exciting experiences of your life!


Read Psalm 20:7 and meditate on it. Are you putting your trust in anything other than God? Are you willing to trust God through the “silences”?

Monday, August 1, 2011

-Thirteen- Grace In The Face Of Accusation

Grace in the Face of Accusation
Today’s Reading: Genesis 39
Focal Verse: Genesis 39:21
But the Lord was with Joseph and showed him mercy, and He gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison.

Have you ever been falsely accused of something? False accusations hurt. They cause great turmoil, destroy relationships and can ruin the lives of those affected. They can come from family members, friends, co-workers, and even fellow church members.

Joseph was falsely accused of rape. Here he was, flourishing in Potiphar’s household, and all seemed well, when the false accusation came. Joseph is thrown into prison. I have wondered if Joseph questioned God as to why this was happening.

But God can take what was meant for evil – the false accusation of rape and make it work for good. God used even this to fulfill His plans to prosper Joseph and a nation.

It could have been a torturous experience, but God didn’t abandon Joseph. In His mercy, He caused the jailer to favor Joseph, and even in prison, Joseph could find purpose.


God wants you to show you grace, even in your worst hurts. Jesus Himself was falsely accused. You can turn to Him for wisdom and comfort in your time of need.